Friday, June 18, 2010

This week's question from the Createcrochet Team : Which is your favorite season and why?

Our Team question, which is your favorite season? MMMMMMM.

Well you can call me fickle but I like all of the seasons. I'm not sure if I would be happy somewhere, where I only had one season.

My most favorite season is spring. Spring is when everything is starting to bloom. Bringing new life to the dreary season of winter. There are flowers everywhere. Even some trees have flowers. The temperature is warmer than winter but still cooler than summer.

However, I love to watch it snow. Fresh snow is always so pretty and white. If you are lucky you will see little animal foot prints on the snow and know that nature is all around you. Although I don't like to play in the snow anymore, I really do like to watch it fall.

Summer is the season for fun. I remember my childhood days when I would go to my grandma's house for a week. I would sit in her maple tree and read my book. She was always telling me to go outside. So I did but I really wanted to read my book. My grandparent's backyard was one big vegetable garden, with tomatoes, green peppers, garlic, onions, lettuce, corn, etc. I would watch my grandma pick the vegetables in the morning and my grandfather would hoe the garden in the evening. Fond memories.

Fall is the season when I anticipate the holidays. All three of my children were born in the last half of the year. I look forward to the pumpkins of halloween, Thanksgiving dinner, and Christmas.

So you see - I really enjoy all of the seasons for various reasons.

1 comment:

  1. It's easy to understand how one could appreciate each season for it's uniqueness and you certainly explained it elequently! I could picture you in a tree reading a book, how cool is that :0)
